Jasper County

Elections by Year


2021 City/School Election

November 2, 2021

City/School Election
School and City Elections are combined and held in November of odd-numbered years. A City election is used to elect the Mayor and Council Members and any other elected city officials. A School Election is an election to select School Board members for school districts within [[County]] County.

Election Results

0/21 Precincts Counted

Archived Election Details

All polling places will be open from 7:00am-8:00pm

Please watch for notices regarding polling place location. At this time, we have not determined if any locations will be combined.

Anyone eligible to run for any office may ask for Candidate Paperwork from any of the following: The Jasper County Auditor’s office or paperwork can be found on the website, the Iowa Secretary of State’s website, the city clerk of the city a candidate lives in or the school secretary of the school district a candidate lives in. The filing dates to turn in completed paperwork begins Monday, August 23, 2021 and ends at 5:00pm on Thursday, September 16, 2021. Paperwork needs to submitted to the respective City Clerk or School Secretary. Required paperwork that needs to be submitted before the filing deadline ends includes an affidavit of candidacy and nomination signature petitions with the minimum required signatures. A candidate’s guide is also available. The signature requirements vary from city to city and school to school. Please contact your city clerk or school secretary to find out the minimum number of signatures required. You may also contact the Jasper County Auditor’s office.

Sample Ballots (PDF)

This webpage was printed on March 31, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Jasper County, Iowa, Elections website at jaspercountyelections.iowa.gov.
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