Jasper County

Elections by Year


PCM Community School District

March 7, 2023

Special Election
A Special Election is any election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be held for any purpose authorized or required by law; often to fill a vacancy or for a public measure.

Public Notice

Election Results

Archived Election Details

Absentee voting will begin February 15 in the Auditor’s office and will end on March 6.

Precinct Information:

Pct 1    Prairie City Community Building, 503 S. State St., Prairie City, Iowa 50228 for the city of Prairie City, Des Moines Township, Mound Prairie Township and Washington Township.

 Pct 2    Monroe City Hall, 206 W. Sherman, Monroe, IA 50170 for the residents of the cities of Monroe and Reasnor, Elk Creek Township, Fairview Township and Palo Alto Township.

Marion County Voters Only: Otley Reformed Church, 700 Johnson St, Otley, Iowa 50214 (For residents in Red Rock and Summit Townships of Marion County.)


Sample Ballots (PDF)

This webpage was printed on March 31, 2025. For the most current election-related information, visit the Jasper County, Iowa, Elections website at jaspercountyelections.iowa.gov.
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